About Us

Solution-Oriented Healthcare abroad
Solution-Oriented Healthcare abroad

Health Chester is a health service company that provides affordable and high-quality health services in Northern Cyprus and is based in North Cyprus that has an office in London, United Kingdom. Health Chester is a registered company to Companies House in the United Kingdom (Company Number: 14051482).

  • To provide high-end service to our customers, the members of our quality control department routinely inspect the quality and capabilities of the hospitals and doctors.
  • Our patients are mostly from the United Kingdom and Europe where private health services are expensive and long waiting times diminished the quality of public services.
  • Multi-disciplinary teams are the centre of our healthcare approach and success. We do as much as we can to make you feel at home. That is why we also focus your flights, stay and transportation during your trip for medical purposes. We want you to focus on catching your flight at departure but nothing more.

What are the Healthcare Services?

We specialised in three categories of health services which are in vitro fertilization (IVF), range of health check-ups and self-referral MRI.

  • We and our partners are dedicated to working in detail and with high quality. Our IVF plans include IVF with intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), IVF with sperm donation, IVF with egg donation, IVF with embryo donation, gender selection, surrogacy, sperm, egg and embryo freezing.
  • Health check-up plans are comprehensive for men and women regardless of age. You can find a range of health check-up plans for every age group.
  • We are proud to provide bariatric surgery procedures including but not limited to gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and many more with our experienced doctors.
  • MRI is one of the popular diagnosis strategies for many diseases. You can refer yourself from our website without the need to get a referral letter from your GP or any other specialist.

Why should you choose us?

  • No referral needed. We focus on your needs with our healthcare professionals.
  • Affordable health services.
  • High-quality and evidence-based health services.
  • Based in Cyprus, a holiday destination where you can enjoy the weather and get your medical needs treated or checked.
  • Comprehensive organisation. Our teams not only focus on your medical needs but also provide a complete organisation of stay, flights and national transportation too.

Contact us for the healthcare service you are interested in. Simply fill in the short form and let us know how can we help you.